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Dave Gardner

Producer of the documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth. Dave writes and speaks regularly on the subject of growth addiction, including the pro-growth media bias that perpetuates prosperity-from-growth mythology.

economic development,population growth,urban growth

Feeding Frenzy Over Amazon HQ2 Ill-Advised

New York, Boston, Atlanta and Denver are among the 283 cities that just submitted proposals to host the new second headquarters for Amazon HQ2. Amazon is promising 50,000 jobs with an average salary over $100,000, and a 5 billion dollar investment. But of course incentives and grants are expected to play a role in the company’s location decision.

It’s not often we see the darker, more realistic side of the story reported. Too often local business reporters just lap up the spin they’re given by the local growth industry and the companies extorting local governments for incentives. So it is with rare pleasure I honor on the Wall of Fame financial expert John Fullerton and the Capital Institute for this splash of cold water

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climate change,contraception,family planning,family size,overpopulation,population growth,sustainable popluation

people with head in sand

Guardian Podcast Launches Important Population Conversation

Congratulations to the UK Guardian for having an intelligent conversation about the link between population growth and climate change on its monthly podcast, We Need to Talk About…:

Should We be Having Fewer Children for the Sake of the Planet?

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family planning,family size,fertility,overpopulation,overshoot,population growth,sustainable popluation

Mother and two children

Egypt: 2 Is Enough – Hooray!

Kudos to Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wall for launching a program to curb the country’s population growth. The new program is called “Itnein Kifaya” (“Two is Enough”)

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climate change,family planning,family size,fertility,overpopulation

Parent's hand holding infant's hand

Swedes Lead the Way Bringing Fewer Children Into the World

Birds do it. Bees do it. Now the Swedes will cut back on it. I’m very pleased to honor Erik Isberg on the Wall of Fame today, for giving me hope. Erik took an important step for human civilization by writing this opinion piece published in the Swedish daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter:

Make a Choice for Environment — Have Just One Child

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climate change,economic growth,overconsumption,overpopulation

Outing the Pipe Dream of Renewable Energy Solution

Are some of the big players in the climate change mitigation movement guilty of playing fast and loose with some truths? Spin is a propaganda tool used by those with good intentions perhaps as often as by those with evil intent. This piece at Counterpunch makes the Wall of Fame this week for exploring this possibility

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Wall Of Shame

Reporting & commentary that assume eternal growth is feasible, good, and necessary for prosperity.

Wall Of Fame

Reporting & commentary that recognize growth has limits, costs, and consequences.

User Nominated

Examples of classic pro-growth bias or exceptional acknowledgement of limits to growth, submitted by our readers!.

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Every Friday we honor the week’s top-voted story, from the Wall of Shame, Wall of Fame, or User Nominations.

Citizen-Powered Media – 2016