Media bias is getting a lot of lip service these days, but the kind of bias I’m writing about is not the intentional, obvious, or product-of-paranoia bias you might hear U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump complaining about. The kind of bias I’m concerned about is dangerous because it’s NOT so obvious.
I have a real problem with population growth maintaining its undeserved place on the mantle of trophies for city success. Cities don’t grow their population in an alternative universe. They grow in the same overpopulated world of 7.4 billion currently killing our planet.
A growing number of philosophers, ethicists, environmentalists and potential mothers are suggesting that moderating reproduction is a logical, responsible, and surprisingly effective means of curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Last week we heaped high praise on NPR (National Public Radio in the U.S.) for running a story about this.
Not surprisingly, that report – and its contents – struck fear in the hearts of some. Let’s look at some of the responses.
Yes, we are in a low-growth world. That’s because we are in a post-growth world! Unfortunately, I don’t think Irwin gets that, as he went on to characterize history-making slow growth rates as a problem to be solved,
Warren Buffett makes the Wall of Shame today for – apparently – failing to understand limits to growth. One would hope such a smart and successful businessperson would be aware that the wealth “creation” of the last 80 years has come at a very heavy price on our ecosystems and natural resources, and cannot possibly continue. is an interactive online community where you can vote, discuss and even submit stories about bias in the media. Get involved today! Submit a Story
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Wall Of Shame
Reporting & commentary that assume eternal growth is feasible, good, and necessary for prosperity.
Wall Of Fame
Reporting & commentary that recognize growth has limits, costs, and consequences.
User Nominated
Examples of classic pro-growth bias or exceptional acknowledgement of limits to growth, submitted by our readers!.
Top Voted
Every Friday we honor the week’s top-voted story, from the Wall of Shame, Wall of Fame, or User Nominations.